Stay Home- Stay in Shape and take care of you.
Covid-19 is a serious issue and we all have to take care of ourselves and of each other, it affects all people without caring of race, social position, political ideology, and it can happen to anyone.
At AnnaMarye, we are concerned for our customers, family, friends and everyone. We want to send you a kind message of support and invite you to be conscious and keep yourselves and your loved ones safe from danger.
- Stay home, make use of technology and home delivery to get the products you need.
- Wash your hands frequently. At the moment there is no cure, and a vaccine may take maybe 13 or more months in being created and safe to use.
- Washing your hands may not kill the virus but would keep it from coming in contact with your inner organism.
- In other words, avoid gatherings of more than 10 people.
- Remember that some individuals may not show symptom immediately, but can still be contagious. Its better to reduce the risk by going out 1 at a time, and only for emergencies and to get food, and so only when the option to receive this at home is not available.
- Follow World Health Organization’s advice. Stress, anxiety, alcohol, and other situations may reduce one’s immunologic response and increase the risk of infection and severe symptoms.
- Social distancing doesn’t mean we aren’t together, for instance, make use of social networks like video and voice calls to be closer to your friends and family.
- Strengthen your immunity by, exercising, playing board games, singing karaoke, watching and discussing movies, TV shows and so on.
Check out what this person thinks and says about the corona virus here, you may find out an encouraging message worth applying in these harsh times. Take only what you feel is worthy and resonates with you.
With All love, compassion, and appreciation, you are in our thoughts; please be safe!