
As a factory of Colombian fajas, we have a bigger latitude to give you the best wholesale colombian shapewear price; talking about an authentic and top quality Shapewear.

Sociedad  AnnaMarye Sas (Colombia) & Slimming Control distributions Inc ( Usa) is a  Manufacturer and Distributors of Anna Marye Shape Wear brand ” Fajas Colombianas”  and we have been in business over 10 years and our clients are all over the world.

I’m sure, by looking your search is a big difference between a Colombian Shape wear  compared to a Chinese product.

Low price is a clear indicative of low quality and short life expectancy of the product and that is not the case in our products, while for the standards of Colombian products..

If you are a  Shape wear wholesaler business, reseller, spa, clinic, doctor or own a online boutique and sell :Colombian fajas, Shape Wear; Waist Cinchers, Post-surgical  Girdles, latex Waist Trainers, full body shape wear, Body shapers, Fajas Colombianas, Fajas Post quirurgicas, fajas reductoras o Fajas Post operatorias , Seamless shapers, fat burner products  with the quality of Colombian products; I’m sure  that we can work together..

We will beat your actual price !!

Best wholesale  Prices with Top Quality 100%  Colombian Shape wear By Annamarye

Our factory In Colombia also provide “white label” service where you can promote you own brand .

We offer Domestic & International.

Contact us for more details,

Paola Beltran Ph:+1(786)252.9296 Email: info@annamarye.com

Carlos Lopez Ph: (305) 717.4124.   Email: Coo@annamarye.com


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