Ref 754-1: Workout Waist Trainer (Long Torso)

$ 47.76$ 54.86

lt is designed for maximum compression and support, ensuring that sleek and shapely figure that you’ve envied with the help of the Workout Waist Trainer by AnnaMarye. You’ll immediately notice a slimming effect the first time you put on the vest. Made with a unique three-clasp system, the trainer can be adjusted to fit your body as it changes. It’s made with latex and cotton, and
with high-intensity activities in mind, helps you burn fat, and lose excess water weight fast. The belt is designed to provide your waist and abdominals with maximum compression, helping you manage any loose skin. Made with Lycra-covered Latex on the outside and cotton on the inside.

Weight 1 lbs

Fuchisa, Black, Blue


2XL/40, 2XS/28, 3XL/42, L/36, M/34, S/32, XL/38, XS/30

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